Getting organized

Today was about getting organized. Planning routes in advance, updating databases, writing things down, mapping out the area, setting clear objectives, scheduling potential visits, managing expectations, categorizing outlets, encoding addresses, sending clarification messages, downloading relevant files, deleting the unnecessary ones, emptying out the trash bin, clearing the mind, a few minutes on Youtube, a few minutes more, back to downloading more files, filling out templates, googling barangay areas, now Metro Manila seems so much smaller, setting personal deadlines, looking farther into the future, 1 more Youtube video, filling out templates, making reports, drinking some water, taking a nap, feeling really, really organized.

This is why I dread the thought of organizing anything. It’s a hassle, but it’s necessary if we want to suffer a little now so we don’t have to suffer a lot later. And the fulfillment afterwards is instantaneous.

Also published on Medium.