The next one

The beauty behind quantity is that there’s always a next time.

Back in high school, we had quizes everyday. We complained frequently about this for years. Obviously, no one wants to be forced to study anything everyday and be quizzed the next day. The pressure was constant. But it is also because of the sheer number of tests in a year that each one bears less weight. Fail today, make up for it tomorrow. There’s always another chance tomorrow.

Writing everyday (or at least trying to) is the same. The pressure to produce something everyday doesn’t go away. Not to mention the expectations I have for myself and my work. There’s a voice stuck in my head telling me to do good every time, to do better today then I did yesterday. But again, quantity presents yet another voice in my head, a much kinder one. It reminds me that there’s always tomorrow. Write something sucky today, give it another go tomorrow and the next day and so on.

At work, the number of outlet visits we’re expected to do in a day is overwhelming. I mean, if all visits were great, it wouldn’t be a problem. But not all outlets are welcoming. And not all outlet owners would agree to what we had planned for the bar or store. Some visits mean more work and even bad news. But the next visit could better. The next prospect could be a yes.

There’s always a next one.