Morning Routine v.1

I’ve only recently gotten over my misplaced fear of routines, and today was a testament to this overcoming.

This week, I promised myself to stick to a morning schedule, and for the first time in years, I’ve stuck to it. Well, it’s only been three days but I’ll count it as a win. It looks something like this:

  1. Wake up at 6 AM.
  2. Don’t snooze.
  3. Don’t check messages or social media.
  4. Make breakfast (Mostly stuff you can cook with a microwave).
  5. Do morning reps (100 push-ups, 50 on bad days) while waiting for breakfast to be ready.
  6. Eat breakfast.
  7. Meditate (10 to 15 minute sessions or if I’m pressed for time, 6 of my deepest breaths).
  8. Shower.
  9. Get dressed and ready at least 30 minutes before I have to leave.
  10. Spend the next 30 minutes catching up with social media or on Youtube.

Today I managed to go through the whole list and as I left for work, I declared to myself that however the day turned out, it didn’t matter to me; I’d already won today. And writing this at the end of the day, I can say that it’s true what the say: win the morning, win the day.