Here’s to writing poorly

“Creative block is a myth,” says the author Seth Godin.

Google “Seth” and his daily blog is the first link you’ll see. He’s been writing daily for 18 straight years. 18. “That feeling that we have when we say we can’t write is really the feeling we have when we say we can’t write anything that’s perfect. We are certainly capable of writing poorly. No one has writing poorly block,” he expounds.

I heard Seth’s voice echo in my head when I saw this eraser for the first time. It’s owned by Deux, my occasional seatmate at the office (I move around a lot).

It, along with Seth’s voice in my head, reminded me that in order to write well, we must first write a ton of crap. So let’s heed its call. Let’s take this Artist Block eraser, keep it within reach as we write, create, design that ton of crap. Write, erase, edit, write some more, and hit send. Rinse and repeat. So that by the time the eraser all used up, maybe so will our creative block.