Good News, Bad News by Katerina Chan

Written by my little sister Kate.

My hair – Good news is, it smells good. The bad news is, since I don’t really comb my hair a lot, it hurts when Manang Paneng combs it. And it’s kind of annoying when I don’t tie it.

Yang Chow Fried Rice – The good news is, it’s yummy. It’s yellow. There are a lot of different kinds of food in the rice. The bad news is, there are green peas, which I don’t like. 

Beer – Good news is, it’s yummy for adults. The bad news is, you could be drunk when you drink too much. 

Chocolate cake – Good news is, it’s delicious. The bad news is, it’s too sweet and can give you diabetes. And it can also make you sick.

School – The good news is, I can learn much and I can make friends. The bad news is, there are hard things to learn and to do, like my Filipino performance task. I had to do it so many times.

Parents – The good news is, they could be loving and helpful. The bad news is, they could be strict like when they get angry and when they get stressed.

My phone – The good news is, it’s enjoyable. I watch funny videos, facts videos on TikTok and Youtube. I play games like Zombie Tsunami and Subway Surfers. The bad news is, it can ruin your eyes. Now, I wear glasses.

My glasses – The good news is, it helps me see well. The bad news is, when you sweat, it sometimes slips down and when I put it up again, it will still slip, and it’s annoying. And it also covers my eyes.

COVID – The good news is you can stay home, relax, and be offline on Wednesdays. Our classes are offline on Wednesdays because the school said so. And I won’t have classes for five days because after Wednesday is holy week. The bad news is, I’m doing online classes, which is not what I like. We don’t go out that much. I only stay in the car and wait for Mama to come back in the car. And most of the time, I just stay home and be bored.

My friends – The good news is, they play with you. They don’t leave you behind. And they share with you. The bad news is, they make decisions for you but this doesn’t happen to me. But I think it happens to others. This is a bad news because if they choose your decision for you, you might not like it.

My favorite clothes – The good news is, they’re my favorite, of course. And I really love them. The bad news is, they don’t fit me anymore and I have to give them away.

The Sun – The good news is, it gives us Vitamin D which keep us healthy. The bad news is, it could burn you in a second when you go to outer space and it gives you sunburns.

Water – The good news is, it can make you hydrated and healthy. And it also helps you digest your food. The bad news is, when you choke on water, you will feel sad and sad, and you will keep choking. But this doesn’t happen to me.