First Impressions Last, Until They Don’t. A lesson from 1 Year in Sales.

First impressions last.

But so do second impressions.

“You’re only as good as your last sale.” I remember hearing this from the first day of sales training and thinking to myself, “that’s a lot of pressure.” But the point was that your first year’s record numbers don’t matter if your second year numbers are down.

We’re only as good as our last sale. Good starts are important but so is consistency.

I now realize, after meeting at least one new person everyday for the past year, that the same applies to making new connections and leaving impressions. Making a good first impression is important and it puts us at a great position to create relationships and form connections.

But from a big-picture standpoint, that’s all it is, a good start. For anything that takes time, effort, and commitment to build, like our relationships and connections, a good start alone won’t cut it.

Our second, third, fourth impressions have to follow through and remain true to the first.

It’s the only way to gain real trust.

First impressions last.

But we’re only as good as our last sale.