A Little Perspective on Noticing For When You’re Having an Off Day

We notice when there’s something off with how a day unfolds. The day is coming to a close but you feel as though you’re not through with the day yet.

The balance is off. Something is missing.

Sometimes, what is missing is obvious — a place, a meal, a person. Other times, it’s difficult to put into words, images, or even ideas, what the day lacks.

Either way, it is during days like these that we yearn for some sort of routine, anything to run the day on our behalf. We crave for structure, planned schedules, and timelines, so that we don’t miss anything, so that we end the day feeling complete and accomplished.

But at the same time, it is during days like these that we are reminded that routines fail as well. Even fully-planned out days may still leave us unfulfilled and empty.

The days don’t owe us anything, so it doesn’t help to look for things a day promised us but failed to deliver.

Instead, look inward. What have we failed to notice, appreciate, or be mindful of?

Often, it’s not about what’s missing, but about what’s unseen.