For When You’re Unable to Write/Create: A Lesson from my Creative Non-Fiction Professor

I’m a huge believer in writing as a universal tool that solves more personal problems than we think.

But I also understand the difficulty of staring at a blank page.

When I can’t write, I remember a piece of advice from my creative non-fiction professor Ma’am Rica Bolipata-Santos.

She said that if for some reason you can’t write, it means you haven’t read enough.

In other words, there is no image from which we can base our thousand words.

It’s a great reminder that in a society obsessed with getting productive and making things happen, it’s important to walk away from the assembly line, step outside, and see what new things can be made or be made better.

There’s nothing we can create if there’s nothing we can create with.

So read, listen, watch, visit, consume, subscribe, consult, observe, marvel, enjoy, appreciate, breathe in, take a mental picture, experience.

And then, get creative.

Also published on Medium.