Enjoy mo lang

Since day one, I’ve gotten plenty of advice from the people I’ve met at work. Create your own routine. Get lost on purpose. Know when to ask for help. Set personal objectives and stick to it. Don’t be afraid to try new solutions. Speak up.

But the best piece of advice would have to be “enjoy mo lang.” Of course, this was easier said than done, especially for an anxious overthinker with unrealistically high self-expectations. I knew this was great advice but I wasn’t sure how it worked in practice. So at some point, it got lost among all the clutter in my brain and I never really acted on it.

I wasn’t thinking of this before driving to the area today, nor was it in  my head while I was already at the area doing my visits. I certainly didn’t wake up and tell myself, “OK, enjoy mo lang.” But throughout the day, I was talking to potential outlets with more delight and more pride than usual. I had my new 7 year-old friend Alex help me put up the posters, which he thoroughly enjoyed. I played my podcasts louder than usual while on the road, Tony Robbins, Tim Ferriss, The Minimalists, Seth Godin, all the good stuff.

So today, I unknowingly and involuntarily heeded this advice. It was like entering flow state for the first time in a while. Sometimes, these things just happen. Now to figure out how to do it intentionally.