Head down

“Put your head down and grind.”

Why is this great advice? Because work works.

We spend a great deal of time planning, thinking, and looking ahead. Our sights and minds, constantly stuck on what’s next and what is yet to be done. There’s nothing wrong with planning to do something, so long as we actually take the time to do.

For weeks now, I’ve been planning to stay really late at work so I can finally reach out to bar owners who would otherwise not be at their bars during the day. And until today, I have not executed on this plan. I’m at my area in Pateros as I write this, about to call it a day, but then I remember this piece of advice and I figure there’s no better time than now to actually put my head down and finally see how work works.

Literally, putting our heads down means focusing on the task at hand, putting pen on paper, the plan to action, the idea to reality. But it also means not allowing the future to overwhelm and discourage us. If we don’t preempt the results, we don’t fear. And without fear, we can get to work and actually make things happen.