Learning from good days

Somewhere in the middle of Barangay Buting in Pasig City is a Puregold with free parking. The parking space itself is at the basement of the green and yellow building. It’s dark and never full. This is where I went to nap at the start of the day. I did this not only because I didn’t have enough sleep the night before, nor did I do it only because after-lunch-drowziness hits me harder than the average person. Rather, I took this nap because it was what I had done on a really good day about a week ago.

I think it was Tony Robbins who said that it helps if we take note of the steps we took throughout a good day and simply repeat the notable steps the following day. If a day turned out well, we must’ve done something or some things right that day. It’s only common sense then that if we do those things again, the results my turn out the same, or better.

We tell ourselves that experience is learning from our mistakes, that learning from failure and our shortcomings is the way to success. But we may have forgotten to learn from our victories as well. It’s almost as if we’ve expected ourselves to always succeed, and so every little win has become overlooked and under-appreciated.

Too often, we find ourselves asking ourselves or our team what went wrong, what we could do better, and how we could improve for the future. But another question we should be asking more is what we did right and how we can replicate it to prime our future results. It’s time we learn from our better days.