Take the Ls, and move on.

“I’ve done nothing today.” I can’t possibly recall the number of times I’ve ended the day saying this to myself. If I didn’t get to write anything or if I spent an entire day on Youtube binging vlogs and Nerdwriter video essays, I’d beat myself up for it when the Sun finally set. The same goes for days when I don’t get to spend time with the people who matter most.

Unproductive days. Wasted days. Today was one of those days.

Normally, I’d look back at the day, scanning through all the mistakes I had made. Snoozed twice, skipped breakfast, slacked off when I could at work, ditched a catch-up session, it’s all there. But for some reason today was different. All day, I caught myself humming to Don’t Look Back in Anger by Oasis and became a sort of mantra, whatever the song actually implied. I listened to it a few times throughout day as it convinced me to accept the day as it is.

The days don’t owe us anything, it’s on us to appreciate them and accept them as they are, and when necessary, take them as days lost to our lower, easily-tempted selves. Take the L, learn the lesson, and move on.