Lockdown Day 5

Five days into the lockdown, fourth day of work from home. It’s weird not being in the office on a weekday. In solitude, you think of the most random things.

Today, I thought of the plants in the office, like the one in the photo. I thought of how they give color, but not too much color (which would ruin the aesthetic of the space), to the office. I thought of how they’re the only remaining forms of life in the office, keeping it, in a way, alive as well.

I thought of their slow and steady decline from the first time I saw them last year to today, losing leaves as time went by. Maybe they don’t like the cold. But then I also thought of the lone fern at the far corner of our conference room. It’s the only thriving plant in the office.

I think of how some things don’t need much to thrive and flourish. No aid, boost, tactic, or TLC. In fact, like that fern, they’d rather not have any of those at all. Mere space for growth is enough.