Visiting David

Tried something out for the first time. Wrote something for class in Chinese and translated it into English (with some variations here and there). We really do think differently when we think using a different language—or this might just be the limitations of my Chinese coming to light. Either way, this was interesting.

Visiting David

February 26, 2023

Three days ago, my friend from class 大卫 (David) invited me and some other friends to visit his house on Sunday for some tea. Today is that Sunday. I’m pretty excited, because I love tea and it’s always great talking to David. I used Baidu Maps to check how to get from the dorm to his place—take the subway from 五道口 (Wǔ Dào Kǒu) station, take Line 15 and switch to Line 8 at the Olympic Park station, finally get off at 鼓楼大街 (GǔLóu DàJiē) station.

David said, he’ll meet us at the station. I’ve never actually met him before, except on VooV meetings for online classes, where he never seemed to stop smiling. Today I finally get to see how genuine that smile is.

My friend 武孟松 (Manh Tùng, his Vietnamese name) and I left the campus at 2 PM. While walking, I realized that this was already my sixth day in Beijing. Although I’ve acclimatized to the cold and dry weather, I’m still not used to all the walking. After about an hour of trying to not get lost, we made it to GǔLóu DàJiē station. I felt the warmth of the Sun welcome us as we exited the station. David was right there waiting for us, as expected. He was wearing a black down jacket and a purple beanie. He’s a Frenchman but I noticed his aura is that of a Beijing local. It’s his sixth year living in Beijing, so I’m not surprised.

Tùng and I thought we’d go straight to David’s house for tea. After all, this was the reason for the invitation. This way, we’d be able to go back to school by 6 PM, just in time to rest for the first day of classes the next day. But upon our arrival, David said to us, “鼓楼 (GǔLóu; the Beijing Drum Tower) is this way. After that, let’s go to 后海 (HòuHǎi; a scenic lake in central Beijing).” Our friend has turned into our tour guide, and not once was “tea” mentioned in his introduction.

Although I was hoping to sit down for some tea straight away, I was open to seeing the sights around the area. I figured Tùng shared the same sentiments. Besides, the views here are much better than that of Wǔ Dào Kǒu, where our school is located. I told David, “Only now do I feel like I’ve finally arrived Beijing.”

Our tour was basically one long conversation over varying backdrops. We passed through a newly-built 胡同 (HúTòng; a narrow—usually ancient—residential and/or commercial alley) to get to the Drum and Bell Towers. Here, we looked at the wildly expensive houses while our conversation topic centered on the Chinese economy and its government.

We joined a sea of tourists and locals as we got to the Drum Tower. The Drum and Bell Towers have a long and rich history, which our tour guide must’ve forgotten. All he could say about this part of the tour was that soon-to-be-married women would come here for photos-ops before the wedding. He was right. “See,” he said as he pointed at the bride posing at the foot of the tower.

At around 4 PM, we arrived at HòuHǎi. The place is covered by another sea of people, some of whom were drying themselves off after a swim in the half-frozen lake. We walked along the lakeshore. Here, the topic was Peking Duck, Chinese calligraphy, and Tai Chi. We also talked about school and we what plan to do with our free time.

I told David, “it’s tempting to go out drinking every weekend but I think I’ve had enough to drink over the last five or six years.”

“That’s right,” he said, “you’re in Beijing. Don’t waste your time.”

During certain lulls in the conversation, I would think about the situation I was in and the company I was with. Three guys from three different countries, all in a foreign country. I thought about how differently China was perceived in our respective countries. There rose an inner disturbance in me about devoting these coming years to (re)studying the Chinese language, while the overwhelming outlook of my countrymen towards China remains largely negative—and understandably so. Something to think about over the course of my stay here.

We walked and talked, and before we knew it, we were at the outskirts of the Forbidden City. The sunset here was beautiful—although a part of me thinks the air pollution has some part in this. It looks as if someone took the egg yolk floating on your bowl of ramen and stuck it on the sky. David continued his tour with some more personal sentiments, “The Chinese language is an open door,” he said, “once you walk though it, you’ll see how the culture is so rich, you have to immerse yourself in it.” I understood what he was trying to say but at this point, I would’ve done anything for some rest. So I couldn’t help but suggest, “why don’t we have some tea?”

We made it to David’s house at around 6 PM. Finally, tea with David and Tùng—not too bad. At 10 PM, we made it back to the dorm. After a day at the center of Beijing, I feel like the world has gotten much smaller, but at the same time, so much bigger. Class starts tomorrow. The door’s wide open.








